Share this… I found out about this one from Dr. Gwen Tarbox, who used it to make some videos for the ENGL 2000 course offered at Western Michigan University. Unfortunately, you can only use the most basic settings for free—the others cost what they call Xtranormal Points, but once you’ve purchased an asset you can use …read more…
Posts contained in the “Teaching Issues” category:
Google Search Stories
Share this… I just found out about another interesting digital story-telling tool: Google Search Stories. This tool allows you to make 30-second movies, like the one Google used during the 2010 Super Bowl. Now, you can’t do all the neat things that they did in the commercial, but you can still come up with some creative …read more…
Lawn Boy by Gary Paulsen
Share this… Worried about finding enough money to buy a new inner tube for his bike, a twelve-year-old boy gets an old riding mower from his grandmother for his birthday. Soon he is mowing his neighbors’ lawns, and making more money than he thought possible. When he meets Arnold, a stockbroker who teaches him about managing …read more…
Encouraging Summer Reading
Share this… Keeping kids reading during the summer is important. We want to encourage our kids to read and to enjoy it, but we need to strike a fine balance between making it optional and making it mandatory. The following tips come to us via ADDitude Magazine. While these tips are aimed at children with ADD/ADHD, …read more…
Even CNN Can’t Get it Right All the Time

Share this… This is what happens when you don’t have Tivo. You see something interesting on the television, grab your camera and snap a pic of it. Then, because you get busy with other things, you find some odd image on your camera two months later, and wonder why you took this picture. Here’s what I …read more…
Best of 2009 Booklists
Share this… Are you looking for the ultimate “Best of 2009″ booklists for children and young adults? Then visit Best Children’s Books of 2009: The Big List of Lists Susan Thomsen has put together a list of links for over 100 (when I stopped counting, at least) of “Best of…” lists from publishers, journalists, and …read more…