Monthly Archive for April 2011

Strange Happenings by Avi

At some point in our lives, we all have a desire to become someone or something else. What would you do if that wish became true? The five short tales contained in this book all have transformation as a central plot device: A bored twelve-year-old boy turns into a cat. A young princess in a …read more…

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Update as of 26 October 2011: This book continues to be controversial. Only this past spring, I was asked to help fight a push to not just remove this book from the twelfth grade curriculum of a public high school, but to remove the book from the school library, as well. The irony is that …read more…

April is National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month. I know I’m getting this out a bit late, but better late than never (a cliché that I’m sure all aspiring poets will be careful to avoid in their work). If you don’t know what National Poetry Month is, it was inaugurated in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets …read more…

Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman

Living in a village in ancient Norway, twelve-year-old Odd has had his share of bad luck: his father died in an expedition to Scotland; a tree fell on him and shattered his leg, leaving him lame; his mother married a man who has no use for him; and to top it off, winter is not …read more…